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Organic material that ends up in our landfills decompose over time and create greenhouse gasses, such as methane, which is harmful to our planet.

Organics and Food Waste Recycling

Organic material that ends up in our landfills decompose over time and create greenhouse gasses, such as methane, which is harmful to our planet. Everyone can help do their part and work towards a more sustainable future by diverting Food Waste from our landfills.

Pickup Methods & Accepted Materials


32-gallon and 64-gallon totes are used for the collection of organic material such as:

  • Fruit and vegetables

  • Coffee grounds

  • Dairy products and eggshells

  • Pasta and bread

  • Cookies, cake and candies

  • Compostable packaging

  • Meat and fish

  • Grain and spent grain

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